Membership Renewal Forms

Please download the form for the category of membership you wish to renew.

Student Membership Renewal

Open to all non-practising current students of a UPCA accredited programme in psychotherapy or psychotherapeutic counselling

Trainee Membership Renewal

Open to all current students from a UPCA accredited programme in psychotherapy or psychotherapeutic counselling, who have been approved by their training programme to begin clinical practice.

Non-Accredited Clinical Membership Renewal

Open to graduates from an accredited UPCA psychotherapy or psychotherapeutic training programme and not yet met the full requirements of the programme and training, or fulfilled the necessary criteria for registration.

Accredited Clinical Membership Renewal

Open to graduates from a UPCA accredited, psychotherapy and psychotherapeutic counselling training programmes. Graduates will have completed all requirements of the programme and training, and fulfilled the necessary criteria for registration.

Non-Clinical Associate Membership Renewal

This membership category is open to any non-practising member of a university with an interest in psychotherapy or counselling. This category is also open to retired UPCA members who are no longer in clinical practice.

CPD and Annual Renewal of Membership

The purpose of CPD

The fundamental intention for undertaking CPD activity is protection of the public through maintenance and improvement of professional standards. Accreditation of university and university-linked courses includes the provision of continuing professional development for graduates.

UPCA registered practitioners are required as a condition of membership to keep a portfolio of their CPD activities (with evidence of attendance where possible) demonstrating that clinical professional development has been maintained and that clinical practice is up-to-date.

Please download our CPD Resource to help you keep track of your CPD.

As part of the annual membership renewal process a CPD declaration needs to be completed and signed confirming:

  • Client Contact Hours each week (normally, a recommended minimum of 4 client contact hours per week for the first five years of practice)
  • Number and frequency of Supervision Hours
    i) a ratio of 1:6 hours supervision hours to client work prior to
    ii) Post accreditation, a minimum of 1.5 hours supervision per month is required.  Members with high or complex caseloads should consider additional supervision to the minimum requirement
  • Personal Therapy (continued personal therapy is recommended in the first years of clinical practice)
  • 50 Hours CPD Activity (50 hours is a minimum guideline not including practice hours i.e., client contact hours).

Items that could be included as part of the CPD activity are:

  • Core training meetings, workshops/seminars (in-person or online)
  • Workshops/seminars providing development across other models (in-person or online)
  • Experiences outside the consulting room that contribute to new ways of thinking about/engaging in clinical work
  • Complementary professional activities, research, writing, reading and spiritual practice
  • Clinical supervision.

Evidence of CPD

UPCA members are required to undertake a minimum of 50 hours of CPD activities per year (in line with current UKCP requirements of a minimum 250 hours over 5 years).

Evidence of CPD such as copies of qualification certificates and certificates of attendance are not required as part of the annual renewal process.

However, please retain original documents in your CPD portfolio, as you will be requested to submit this documentation when selected for a 5-yearly re-accreditation CPD Audit.

Please see UKCP CPD Notice for further information.

Reflective Practice Statement

A 500-word reflective practice statement should be completed by all clinical members at annual renewal.

This piece should involve reflecting on your own process in response to your selection of CPD and the impact of this CPD on you and your practice.

You should also reflect upon any Self-Care activity and how this enhances and enriches your practice.

Consider and reflect upon the impact of your Supervision and describe in light of this reflection, how you feel you and your practice have developed.

This reflection should be discussed with your supervisor or another clinical peer before submission.

You can find an example of a Reflective Practice Statement below from one of our members.

Example of Reflective Practice Statement

I undertook a thought provoking two day CPD course for working alongside trans and gender questioning people in March of this year. I work in a school for 13-18 year olds and hoped the course would improve my knowledge and confidence when working with young people who were questioning their gender identity.

I entered the training room with my usual sense of apprehensive excitement. I generally enjoy digesting new information, but within fifteen minutes my enthusiasm waned, followed by a sense of anxiety as it dawned on me that being a white, middle aged, heterosexual, cisgender female I was very much in the minority. A fear of being judged rose inside of me, imagining I would be put in a stereo-typical box, based on my appearance and the way I spoke.

This in itself gave me an uncomfortable, but valuable, insight into how gender questioning, trans/non-binary members of our community might feel.

I found some of the group were assertively defensive if the ‘wrong’ terminology was used, which made me clam up. The trainers were open and helpful but didn’t pick up on the behaviour in a way that made me feel safe. It made me wonder how often this happens in society at large, when minorities are not defended against the micro-aggressions of others, especially in a school when teachers don’t pick up on things. However, I was also aware that there was a legitimacy to their anger especially as some of them had felt oppressed and misunderstood for years. They may have worked with therapists, who could have looked and sounded like me, and hadn’t given credence to their issues.

I discussed the training with my supervisor, who helped me to process and reflect on the experience. We talked about one of the exercises where we were asked to explore our own sense of gender, something I have to admit, I had never given much thought to. The training helped me to understand this was probably because my biological and physiological characteristics matched my socially constructed view of gender. I explained to my supervisor that when I started to question why I identified as a woman, I became aware of choices that I hadn’t ever considered were open to me. I could push the boundaries of my ‘female’ self, shocked at how much of it had been defined by familial and wider social constructs. It felt liberating to think I could identify as a he, she or they, whenever it felt appropriate. However, when I was asked to explore being a ‘him’ in the context of my workplace the feelings of liberation disappeared and I became fearful and guarded, concerned how others might view me.

I realised the same would probably be true when I imagined it in the context of family and friends as I would challenge their assumptions and prejudices, in the same way that I needed to challenge my own. Whilst talking to my supervisor it became apparent that problems that were encountered around gender sprung from other people’s attitudes and projections and not just
those of the individual. That might sound obvious but until I came up close to examining my feelings of shame and discomfort, I don’t think I would have realised the extent to which I assumed, and feared, the judgement of others.

A couple of weeks after attending the course, I was working with a fourteen year old boy, who I shall call James, who I had been working with for approximately six months. He had come to see me as he was unhappy, he didn’t have many friends and was feeling on the periphery of his peer group. Part of the work had been to help him explore his sexuality, however on this occasion he told me that he was also questioning his gender. Apart from making me wonder if the course had freed something up in me at an unconscious level, as the timing seemed too much of a coincidence, I felt much better equipped to work with him. Amongst other things, we discussed what he understood to be ‘male’ and ‘female’ traits and what that meant in relation to him.

He told me that he felt he was more sensitive than other boys, he seemed to notice when friends were upset more than other people did. He preferred tennis to rugby, he was softly spoken and was self-conscious about the way he spoke, and so the dialogue went on. We thought about why he associated these attributes with being female and if it could be possible to have these characteristics alongside other aspects of his personality rather than it being an ‘either’, ‘or’.

The work continues, as do these conversations, interspersed with his curiosity about other aspects of his identity, as well as the challenges of family and school life.

Humans are a social species; my own insecurities at the beginning of the training were linked, like James, to a desire to belong and feel connected, in whatever form that might be. As a school counsellor I’m aware that most adolescents have a desire to feel they belong. They are at a time in life when their mind, body and identity are developing and it is perhaps unsurprising that they should question gender. It is vital they feel they can be curious and can challenge and question their beliefs; to explore the ‘internal me’ in a space which is as free as possible from the constraints of external social conditions.

To give them a sense of autonomy without pathologizing. Everyone is unique and should be treated as such, but held within the scaffolding of informed therapeutic practice.

I think both the course and the ensuing discussion with my supervisor helped to free something up within me and in turn the flow of work with one of my clients. Yet, perhaps not just with one of my clients, I hope it’s given me a greater openness to difference. It’s reminded me of the importance of taking a step back and reflecting on who I am, what views I hold and how I present to others. By doing this I hope I am more self-aware which I feel has enabled me to walk alongside the people I work with in a more connected way.

Annual Renewal of Membership

You will be sent an email reminder to renew your membership of UPCA every July for the coming membership year. The UPCA membership year starts every 1st September until 31st August (CPD declarations should include activities for the previous 12 months).

Please note: If your membership has lapsed and need to re-apply and backdate it, please contact us.


Help is available for members wishing to join or renew who experience neurodiversity issues.

While there’s no single agreed definition of what neurodiversity is, it does help as an umbrella term to identify specific needs of therapists and clients. UPCA wants to encourage its members and so if there are specific issues we can support you with related to your membership, audit or accreditation please contact Helen Fisher the administrator. Please provide a detailed explanation of your specific needs, we will then try to tailor-make a more enabling process.

5-Yearly Re-accreditation CPD Audit

UPCA are required by UKCP to carry out a 5-yearly reaccreditation audit of clinical members. UPCA completes this on a rotational basis by selecting 20% of clinical members each year in March. If you are selected for audit, you will be contacted by email with the documentation for completion. The audit seeks to confirm the details of the CPD submitted at your last membership renewal. A copy of your renewal form can be provided. Based on the information from your renewal you will be asked to provide:

  • Written confirmation of supervision arrangements by your supervisor(s)
  • Confirmation of indemnity insurance
  • A summary of relevance and evidence of CPD activity
  • A reflective statement
  • Supporting documentation (Scanned copies or photos of Certificates of attendance or Qualifications attained, References for articles or books, Links to Online resources)
  • Confirmation that your practice and CPD reflects the Diversity and Equality Policy of UKCP. This will include such things as demonstrating an understanding of power, prejudice and the impact of oppression, and the needs of the diverse group of clients with whom you work.

You are required under the terms of UPCA membership to comply with a request for audit. Failure to submit audit documentation may result in your membership being lapsed, which will also have implications for UKCP Registration.

The CPD audit also serves the purpose of the 5-yearly reaccreditation for full clinical members of UKCP. UKCP membership may be at risk if members fail or refuse to respond.

Audit Outcomes

The majority of UPCA members readily fulfil the annual CPD requirements and meet the requirements of audit.

The possible outcomes of audit are as follows:

  1. Approved – all audit requirements are clearly met.
  2. Request for further information – where the auditor believes that the documents provided are insufficient to conclude the audit.
  3. Referral – by the auditor, for further review or action; this will occur where the auditor identifies a specific issue that would indicate that criteria for registration have not been met or another problem identified.
  4. Failure – where it is clear that an audit submission indicates that a member does not meet UPCA/UKCP registration requirements, the Auditor will notify Council who may then either:
  • Suspend the individual’s registration pending specified action by the member to address concerns – a time period for the suspension will be specified along with details of what action is required on the member’s part and time limit;
  • Remove the individual’s registration and require the completion of a full re-registration / re-accreditation process;
  • Impose Conditions of Practice for a specified period.

Please see below a note on registrant reaccreditation requirements from UKCP 22.01.2024

In the early days of the pandemic, UKCP encouraged organisational members to be supportive and flexible when reviewing reaccreditation submissions in relation to requirements around client hours and variety of CPD.

While ample CPD was available initially in the form of reading, eventually online workshops, videos and webinars became more readily available, providing the recommended variety. Due to health and safety concerns, many of our registrants were unable to meet all of their client and/or supervision hours during the pandemic, especially at the beginning. This shifted slowly as different ways of working were introduced, such as online client work.

We anticipate our registrants have been able to meet the minimum 250 hours of CPD for the past five years of practice, despite the variety being low. We also anticipate that our registrants have now moved back towards their usual client loads. While we encourage the registrants to communicate with their OMs (UPCA) when challenges arise, we recognise this doesn’t always happen, and you may receive a submission which isn’t where it should be. Those low numbers will now be showing up in their reaccreditation submissions from the past five years. While still actively considering risk to public and clients, we encourage OMs to continue flexibility in relation to requirements being met.

For example, if total hours were a little low in the submission (for CPD, client hours or supervision), then consider, rather than removal from the register, setting an increased requirement for a specific probationary timeframe and requesting a resubmission at that point to evidence the requirements are being met.Risk to the register and to clients must be considered as priority, but this should be weighed against experience, ability and what they have managed to achieve during those years.

Please contact your relevant college committee or the UKCP regulation and quality assurance team ( if you wish to discuss a particular situation and how to proceed with it.